Got these for my 13 year old son, he’s an expert mountain and dirt bike rider. He raves about them. He’s super skinny so it’s hard to find a pant that fits the waist and the length. The XS adult size fits the bill. He likes the deep and zippered pockets to guard his cell phone. They’re top quality pants, great protection for his aggressive riding style at the Whistler bike park.
Tall and thin, got the Medium Tall. Best fitting bike gear I've ever had, thanks NF. Pricey but well made.
Great fitting pants, I'm 6'4" and 200lbs and ended up buying the large tall. Waistband is comfortable and doesn't move, inseam is actually long enough to cover my ankles. Super comfortable, and still have room for kneepads underneath.
Whenever I need to wear pants, I almost always grab NF. This is a nice update to the older ones I have. Fit on me is great as always and I prefer the comfort and simplicity of the waistband on these over those on other brands.