Turning Burn Zones Into Dream Zones with Steve Vanderhoek

"The first descent is the feeling I’m always chasing. You can’t ask anyone for speed tips, and you really don’t know if it’s going to work, you have to just trust your skills and experience."
- Steve Vanderhoek
Steve recently had a productive couple of weeks getting fired up in the Squamish backcountry, turning ashes into artistry, if you will. What began as an adventure to scope out a wildfire burn zone has sparked the creation of the opening feature of his latest dream line: "Mr Pepinillos." In true Steve fashion, it’s a symphony of monstrous slabs that would make anyone else’s stomach drop just looking at it. Consider this feature the kindling that's setting the spark for what’s to come - there’s more ground to uncover, more features to craft, and we're here for it!

"It's been a long time since I have felt the inspiration to build anything gnarly.. but damn I'm feeling it with this one. Hands down the gnarliest thing I have created. Just trusting and enjoying the process, making it all work in my mind and learning new shit along the way. Always wanted to blend my slab stuff with heavy timber construction."
- Steve Vanderhoek

C H U ' S Y O U R A D V E N T U R E
This project isn't just about getting that hit of adrenaline or finding the gnarliest slab line. Earlier this year, the ride community faced a heavy loss with the passing of our good friend, Andrew Chu. Chu was a big part of the community and an even bigger believer in the North Shore’s riding scene. In memory of Chu, Steve dubbed the area ‘Chu’s your Adventure,’ creating something that goes beyond just a line in the dirt. It's a space to hang out and share stories, a space that brings everyone together, exactly as Chu would’ve wanted.
"I named the zone in memory of my good friend Andrew Chu. There are more lines than I could possibly build, and I want to support all my friends in creating their own dream line. Chu believed in community, and this is my highest respects I can pay to him."
- Steve Vanderhoek

Andrew "CHU" Chu
July 5, 1973 - April 6th, 2024
Video: Kelsey Teovs
Photography: Trav
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